One Step at a Time

One year ago, I launched my website and newsletter, and I started to blog.  It wasn’t an easy birth.  The idea of facing the technical aspects of creating an Internet presence had me in tears on many occasions.  It was overwhelming, and I had to keep identifying where to put my next foot down.  I asked for help where I could, and one step at a time, my website, newsletter and blog came into being.

I am taking a breath now, as this milestone and my birthday approach, to acknowledge the journey, and to take a good look around at where I am standing – at the top of a steep hill, looking at the base of a mountain.  As overwhelm threatens again, I am taking stock, making lists, and figuring out where to put my next foot down. 

At the top of the next mountain is a world where I have connected with enough of you who want my songs and stories in your lives, to pay my bills consistently with money earned through my music and writing.  I am working to get clear on what that looks like.  That is my task at hand.

Sometimes, it is hard work to shut the voices up that tell me I can’t.  They are familiar and easy to hear.  But, there is an inner knowing that I can, that I just have to keep moving forward.  Every step up the mountain gets me closer to the life I am creating.  Sometimes I will slip back down, but I don’t intend to stay down for long. I am committed to taking consistent action, and to changing my life.

Thank you for sharing the journey.  If what I do speaks to you, please tell someone else.  Thank you, from my heart…