Old Love (flash fiction)

Sarah heard him say hello as she approached the house. The sound of his voice flashed her back to high school.  Jacob’s voice used to be her favorite sound. 

Sarah hadn’t seen Jake in decades, but his voice, and his face, were as familiar as the river stones she carried in her pocket. Although their romance was long past, she treasured his friendship, and she trusted him like a brother. Seeing him again was a homecoming.
Eighteen-year-old Sarah would never have believed that she would be thrilled to meet his wife.  She would have been touched to know that his daughter would one day give her a goodbye hug and whisper, “I’ll miss you.”  She and his daughter had bonded, although Joanna did keep a watchful eye out, just to be sure that this reunion really was a good idea. 
Sarah had come to say hello. She had come to reconnect, and to touch a piece of her heart that rested peacefully in the background. As she began to drive home, she could almost see her teenaged bedroom walls, and the poster of Desiderata that said about love, “in the face of all aridity and disenchantment it is as perennial as the grass.”  

And so it is…